SHINEWE Hardware Products CO., Ltd offers Durable reliable woven wire field fence to keep the large livestock safe and secure. As the leading supplier of wire fence for industry and agriculture, we can supply several types of field fences that hold up to the usual pressure from large herds, with numerous knots styles, wire gauge, spacings, heights and roll length options available. Your are sure to find the best wire field fence as your enquiry.
The first type of the galvanized field fence is called Hinge Joint Knot Fence.
Hinge Joint Fence is made of top quality high tensile steel wire, has four wrap knots or joints formed with two vertical stay wires wrap together to form hinged joint knot which acts as a hinge that gives under pressure, then springs back into shape. Vertical wires are individually cut and wrapped for maximum strength and flexibility.
Hinge Joint Field Fence is utilized for various farm applications including crop protection, livestock confinement, land fencing, and as sideline dividers. It can also be used with erosion control silt fence backing. Due to its strength and reduced risk for sagging and deterioration, it is an ideal solution for preventing animal penetration.

The second type of Galvanized Friend Fence is a kind of Fixed Knot
Fixed knot fence, also know as Solid Lock Fence, is a type of top quality high tensile Woven wire fence commonly used for animal containment and security. Constructed with solid vertical stays and horizontal lines of galvanized wire that are locked together to prevent shifting and sagging with a strong fixed unique knot design. This type of fence provides excellent control while maintaining minimal maintenance, it is more stronger and lighter than other types of agriculture fence for big livestocks and wildlife management.

The third type of the field fence is No climb horse fence.
No climb horse fence also named square Deal knot fence, is ideal field fence specially for horse. It is normally made with "S" knot that means the horizontal and vertical wire are wrapped by a third wire forming a “s" knot. This design makes it with smooth surface on both side to reduce the injure to horse and provides a flexible and capable structure to withstand the shock from horse. With feature narrow vertical wires spacing 50mm, to prevent horse from getting its hoof stuck and injured and to keeping the horse stepping through or walking down the enclosure.
The No climb horse fence is manufactured in supper quality and high tensile steel wire, heavy zinc coating coated to keep the fence a long lifetime. It is every easy and quick to install with maintenance free.

No Climb Horse Fence is with "S" knot twist, Smooth on both sides to prevent sages and prevent horse skin from injuring, Narrow vertical mesh prevents horse from getting its hoof stuck and injured, Flexible and springy woven non-climb horse fence, 2” vertical spacing, Uniform holes of 50x100mm, Safe and economical.
This fixed knot is the strongest steel fence type on today's market to keep deer and other pests out of gardens. It is also commonly used by farmers and ranchers to keep livestock in. Commercial fields such as vineyards, orchards and hemp farms also use this fencing to protect their crops. This material is also the best choice for protection solar fields.
Common Uses: Agricultural Livestock Deer Exclusion Garden Exclusion Vineyard Orchard Solar Fields
Post time: May-23-2023